Agrostim and its partners in consulting, analysis and service have the aim to provide users with not only a pure product sales but also to use other ways to look at the ground.
So far, however, is usually only detected in accordance with the provisions of N, P, K and pH. This is a one-sided and poor viewing the "stomach"! Together with the partners of Agrostim consists identify the destination where reserves or deficiencies exist in mineral nutrients and nutrient conditions. More importantly, will show us how biology and humus develop compared to react and how the plants on the measures carried out. The goal is not using the land. As far as the substrate but as a living medium With the aid of an economical and effective use of technical fertilizers and plant protection is possible, inter alia, through the use of our product range of agro-Stim and the use of synergies in the field of biology.
René Jochems
Moersebaan 8g
4882 KE Zundert
Tel: 0031 (0)76-5990251
Fax: 0031 (0)76-5990252
Mob: 0031 (0)6-53365717
Growth Balance offers many opportunities in consulting. We use here together is a Bioscan of the soil in terms of content and weighting of Microbiology (see example) and the possibility of leaf juice analysis. The latter recorded 23 parameters of the main nutrients on the ratio K / Ca, EC and pH to the trace elements. This observation is also possible in the short term if certain measures in crop at all affect the plant. Of course, much more possible.
AGROFOR Consulting & Products
Dipl.-Ing. agr. Oliver Wegener
Wiesenstraße 36
D - 35435 Wettenberg
Tel.: 0641 980356
Fax: 0641 980357
Mobil: 0172 6755852
We recommend that together with our partner in addition to the methodology of Dr. Balzer continue at least as a starting Ctotal, Ntotal, Sgesamt (elemental analysis) and boron (hot water) to be examined. Since the samples a reset occurs (1 year) more Abforderungen are having to take possible afterwards with no new samples.
With this basic sampling the most nutrient problems (mineral) thus a more effective use of resources are available and possible.
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