Use of Lignohumax in agriculture
The benefits of using Lignohumax
Lignohumax Description E
To be able to give a qualified account of Lignohumax, one should first of all, in general terms, define what Humates are. Humic compounds as such, are a specific group of macro- and lowmolecular substances of a dark colour. They originate through the decomposing of organic waste in the soil, a so called humus process. The amount of carbon in the soil formed from mosses and coal, bonded with Humic acids, is 4 times higher than the carbon amounts, which are bonded to the organic material in all the animals and plants of the world.
Lignohumax Application E
Usage in industrial flower- growing and ornamental floriculture.
Usage of Lignohumax in industrial floriculture improves not only the development of new shoots and the stability of plant stalks but also the quality of cut flowers and the saturation of their colours.The application of “Lignohumax” in drip irrigation systems and foliage spray treatment is most effective when combined with pesticides, biological products and mineral fertilizers. Use of “Lignohumax” in water- tank mixtures encourages a healthier growth and a better root system growth. Stress symptomes caused by excessive use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides and sharp temperature downturns are reduced and the quality of cut flowers is improved.